What is the Bandit Run?

bandit run, Restore a Muscle Car

Listen up, good buddies, 'cause I'm about to spill the beans on The Bandit Run – a legendary shindig kickstarted by Dave Hall of Restore a Muscle Car and David Hershey back in '07.

What's the scoop? Well, it all kicked off as a rip-roarin' celebration of the 30th anniversary of the iconic movie "Smokey and the Bandit"! They put out the call to all enthusiasts that year with a simple flyer that said “Wanted, You & Your Trans Am in Texarkana on this date”. That Flyer was shared on Hemmings, Pontiac Performance Magazine, and many other publications. The plan of retracin' the very same route the Bandit himself blazed from Texarkana all the way to Atlanta was in motion. It was like stepping right into the silver screen, and the friends and relationships gained that year blossomed into what is now the annual Bandit Run. 

Now, what's the reason for The Bandit Run, you ask? Simple – it's all about gettin' those classic cars outta the garage and onto the blacktop where they belong! It isn’t just Trans Ams, any muscle machine is invited to the party. Every car lover with a taste for adventure is welcome to join in the fun.

Working hand in hand with the Bandit Run crew, Restore a Muscle Car cooks up a fresh route each year, takin' us on a wild ride through different parts of this great country. It's a chance to show off our rides, meet new folks, and soak in all the sights and sounds along the way.

You are guaranteed to drive away with new friends, contacts, and memories to last a lifetime. So what are ya waitin' for, folks? Dust off those engines, buckle up, and join us on The Bandit Run – where the roads are long, the company's fine, and the adventure never ends!

Bandit Run, restore a muscle car

When is it?

June 9-13, 2024

Register your car now @ https://banditrun.restoreamusclecar.com/24home48351775


Bandit Run Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBanditRun

Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/811216475623797/

You can also follow along on the Bandit Run App for iPhone or Android.

Apple https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bandit-run/id982961486

Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agilx.banditrun&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1


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